United Church of Christ – North Conway, New Hampshire – Est. 1778

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”


Worship Service – Sundays at 10 a.m. Come join us!

The First Church is a fellowship of concerned people, committed to searching for truth and the way of love without being encumbered by dogmatism, pietism, religious or social exclusiveness.

The First Church affirms the responsibility of every generation to make the historic faith its own reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God.

The church seeks to serve the entire local community by fulfilling people’s basic and religious needs. We welcome all people as the children of God. The church accepts as members all those who are searching for truth; avoiding narrow dogmatism, it will endeavor, with affirmations that are positive, to provide a religious home of wide spectrum of belief. The statement of faith of this church shall be the statement of faith of the United Church of Christ, not as a test of faith but as a guide to what the church generally believes – subject to individual interpretation.



Vaughan Community Services Fundraiser
Battle of the Badges
Sunday, March 29th at 4 pm at the Ham Arena
Free Admission. All money raised will be donated to Vaughan.
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Order Your Easter Lilies
deadline to order is Wednesday, April 16th
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Holy Week Worship Schedule
Palm Sunday Service – April 13th at 10am
MWV Community Passover Seder & Liturgy
Wednesday, April 16th – 5 – 7:30pm at the Gibson Center
Maundy Thursday Service – April 17th at 7pm
Good Friday – April 18th –
Prayer and Meditation 9am – 4pm, Sanctuary Open
Interfaith Service – 6pm
Easter Sunday Service – April 20th
Sunrise Service in the Church Park at 6:30am – Continental Breakfast to follow
Worship Service and Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at 10am

Visit our Events page for a complete list of events.


Our Mission

Our mission is to make followers of Jesus Christ (by being his Disciples). Our community of faith recognizes that each one of us is different while reaching out to any that wish to join us on our life-long spiritual journey.
More >


For the latest news, committee updates, lectionary readings, and information about other members of our church family, be sure you read the monthly newsletter, The Congregate Tidings. If you missed a newsletter or are looking for something that appeared in the past, visit our Newsletter section for links to archived issues.

Vaughan Community Services

Vaughan Community Service (VCS), a non-proift organization, was established in 1965 by the First Church of Christ, Congregational as a community outreach program to help alleviate unmet and undermet needs for a great number of health and human services in the area with no religious affiliation. Learn more >