United Church of Christ – North Conway, New Hampshire – Est. 1778

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”
Rev. Walt Hampton, J.D., CFC
The Pastoral Search Committee has been at work to find a settled pastor since January of 2023. Pastor Walt joined us in January of 2024 as our Bridge Pastor while our search continued. Following worship on Sunday, April 14th, the members of First Church of Christ voted unanimously to bring on Pastor Walt Hampton as our next settled pastor. He’s a lawyer, a writer, a hiker, a real cool talker, and now our Pastor!
Please come and be part of our new beginning at First Church of Christ
as we welcome Rev. Walt and his wife Ann into our faith community.
Pastor Walt was installed as our settled pastor on Sunday, September 8th at 3:00 pm.
Take a moment to view this ceremony.

In his own words …
I am thrilled to have the privilege of serving you as your pastor.
Ministry has been at the heart of everything I have done for decades. My core belief is that “everything is ministry.”
I did my MDiv theological work at Hartford Seminary, in Hartford, Connecticut; and my seminary training at The Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, California. I hold a law degree from the Cornell Law School in Ithaca, New York. I have served as a Director of Religious Education creating, teaching and administering programs for children from preschool age through high school; and have done many years of bible study and adult education.
My first book, Journeys on the Edge: Living A Life That Matters, was an Amazon bestseller and a two time recipient of the North American Book Awards. I research, write, and teach at the intersection of law, ethics, and religion. My passion is working in Interfaith, honoring the sacred connection in all.
Having worked for years as an executive coach and leadership trainer, I have a deep bench in organizational management and administration. I am a grief ritual leader and grief counselor. Grief is a mirror of love. And although we tend to be a grief phobic culture, when we learn to hold and walk with both grief and joy, life is richer and fuller.
I first came to the Valley with my dad when I was 10 years old to learn to climb mountains. I have since climbed and adventured all around the world and have stood on four of the Seven Summits (so far). But, the White Mountains have always been my “home” mountains.
Two years ago, my wife Ann and I moved to the Valley. Our home is in Intervale. Ann is an amazing writer and is the Publisher at Summit Press Publishing, an independent publisher of non-fiction expert positioning books. (I encourage you to tweak her by asking her why she chose to do her writing degree at Harvard rather than Cornell.)
Ann is my climbing partner, running partner, adventure partner, and best friend. We have fun all the time. Ann has two children; I have four. They are all out in the world doing great things. We are blessed to have four grandchildren. (There are rumors of more.)
When I moved to the Valley, I became a member of the Eastern Slopes Clergy Association. We are blessed to have so many faith partners here, and it was through that association that I received the gift of discovering this amazing community of faith. It is a gift beyond measure.
My spiritual thread is Franciscan. (You’ve probably already guessed that by the Tau cross or pendant that I often wear.) I am a brother in the Franciscan Community of Francis and Clare. Francis is sometimes referred to as the “last Christian,” as he had the audacity to follow literally the life of Christ. The core of Franciscan teaching is to see every other person as your brother and sister. Francis said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary use words.” I ask for your prayers and encouragement to live this out with you.
Peace to you.

The word itself has always had a sense of deep beauty for me.
Grounded. Clear. Still.
When I teach centering prayer, I will often use one of those holiday snow globes: You shake it up, and the flakes swirl all around. You place it down, and gradually the flakes settle. You can see.
You can see the beauty of what is.
And, from that place you can imagine what might be.
Thank you for calling me as your settled pastor.
My heart is filled with gratitude and joy.
For all that is.
For all that will be.