United Church of Christ – North Conway, New Hampshire – Est. 1778

Now is time to make plans and share your wishes.

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”


By planning ahead of time, the wishes of the deceased can be more easily honored. Submit Your Last Wishes and Memorial Garden Reservation now before you slip the surly bonds of earth. This will be so helpful to your family and friends as they deal with both your passing and planning of a service of remembrance.

Your Last Wishes

Answer a few questions about type of service you prefer, cremation, burial, and memorial gifts.  Do you have a preference of hymns and readings? Who should be notified about your passing?

The Diaconate of the First Church of Christ encourages you and other family members to complete Your Final Wishes and make at least two copies. One will be placed in a sealed envelope in the Your Final Wishes file in the Pastor’s office to be opened upon your death.  Another should be placed with your personal papers or with family or close friends. The Pastor is available to help in preparation of this document.

Your Last Wishes: Click to Complete Online or Click to Download the Form.
If completing online, a copy of the form will be sent to your inbox and a copy will be sent to the Church for filing. If you download the form, mail or drop off the form to the church office.

Memorial Garden

Any member of the First Church of Christ, Congregational or friends of the church may be interred in the Memorial Garden located on 2503 Main St., North Conway.  This garden was established in 1999 and dedicated August 6, 2000.  It is located on church property directly behind the church on the east side, left of the parking area of the church.

  • The fee for single members of the church is $350, and $450 for non-members. The two-person plot fee is $450 for members and $650 for non-members. The couple must be interred in the garden at the same time. The fee includes the cost of the garden honor roll plaque and helps to cover the cost of maintenance and care of the garden.  A non-refundable contribution may be made to reserve a space, but not a location.
  • There will be no name plaques placed on the cobblestones or in the garden. 
  • Container for the ashes must be biodegradable.  Ashes will not be scattered but could be poured directly into the ground.
  • Acknowledgement shall be made by listing the deceased full name, date of birth and death, date of interment and appropriate biographical data. Location of interment will be marked on the garden’s map.  All of this information will be kept in the Memorial Book that will be located on church property.

Memorial Garden Application: Click to Download, complete and return to Church Office.