United Church of Christ – North Conway, New Hampshire – Est. 1778

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”


Watch and listen to our services.

You’ll never have to worry about missing a service again. Scroll down and click the arrow to watch and listen to the most recent service. The services are captured on video every Sunday and uploaded to Facebook for viewing on the church’s Facebook page or on this page. It’s not the same as joining everyone in church but a convenient way to stay connected.

If you missed a week or would like to listen to a service again, visit this Service Video Archives page on Facebook then simply select the date of the service you’d like to hear, and see, again.

Depending upon your connection and device, there may be a slight delay before the video begins to play. Please be patient. 

To view Pastor Walt’s Message for this week – “You Offend Me”
 mouseover the video and move the timeline circle to 27:37.

We’d love to see you in church on Sunday at 10 am.